Monday, January 30, 2006
Leadership Blog: Out of Ur: Brian McLaren on the Homosexual Question 4: McLaren's Response
Often it is in discussing difficult questions that we learn something. One thing that I often learn is how to deal with difficult questions. This article is the fourth in a series of blogs, comments and reponses about how to pastorally respond to homosexuality. Not an easy questions! But some of the response shows great grace amid disagreement and some response shows exactly the opposite.
Brian McLaren is someone that I often disagree with, but who also often shows a great amount of grace to those who disagree with him. I would rather disagree with him than agree with many others.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
John H Armstrong : How Should We Respond to Growing Income Inequality?
John Anderson's articles have several times recently dealt with social policy. We seem to have very different priorities. I think that the church should influence social policy and should advocate for "libera" social programs. But in this case I think that the church should work on good education, especially for the poor.
Education is the single biggest predictor of income. So if we want to deal with poverty or shrink the income disparity then we need to deal with education. Education is not fair among children. But a significant portion of the disparity occurs before children enter Kindergarden. So it is not all of the schools fault. This is a place that the church can help. Good parenting, alternatives to standard day care (leave the kids alone with someone that is not prepared to do anything with them), etc. are a very important part of what we as a church can do. Unfortunately most churches view church schools or day care as a money maker or as a way to isolate their children against the world instead of viewing it as a mission of the church.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Web-Evangelism Bulletin, January 2006
A blog is probably the easiest type of website to set up, and requires no technical knowledge at all. [link to article at]
Although there are thousands of Christian blog sites, virtually all of them have been written for other Christians. Yet there is enormous potential to use blogs to reach non-Christians. Check the new 'Internet Evangelism Day' resource page to learn how. [link to article at]
We believe there is great potential for sharing faith through blogs, yet very few are doing it.
[continued at]
[Also visit "Why Blog -- Top 50 Reasons"]
[Or stop by the U.B. cafe some Saturday morning for free internet training.]
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 Love it or hate it?
Love it... because it's a free & easy way to print anything to a .pdf file.
Hate it... because now we'll see even MORE of these stupid things out here on the web, instead of easy-to-read, clickable web pages.
[P.S..... "IMHO"... LOL]
Sunday, January 22, 2006
PowerPoint for Ministry
"I am also writing to invite you to a class, "Power Point for Ministry" taught by Robert Calkins, on Saturdays, January 28, February 4, 18, 25, and March 4, 2006. The class will meet at 4800 N. Michigan Road, from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Please bring a laptop computer. There is no charge for the class. Write to Walt Zebrun [] to register. If you have questions please call (317) 255-7557"
Need a tech?
IT independent Contractor?
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And stay in touch with "Wireless Coffee" blog for great tech tips, tricks, traps & treats.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
'NoFollow' link attribute...
The 'nofollow' link attribute.... [continued]
[hat-tip, Barry Bowen,]
Monday, January 09, 2006
Evangelism Blogging
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Learning Web-savvy Like Crazy!
[Published with permission, from]
Surf ...and notice how in 60 seconds or so, she captures your interest, makes her case, and compellingly encourages you to simply give her your email address so she can stay in touch... in exchange for a promised 'tour'. This is what I'm talking about when I'm encouraging web-gurus to change their websites to quickly make a 60-second 'elevator speech'... About _____... and then hope to obtain the surfer's email address so you can followup. And btw, she does a great job following up daily, giving me free mp3's... one per day. And yeah, LOL... I'm now 'learning Spanish like crazy'. So it must have worked, huh?
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
CCDA & TechMission... What a combo!
What an awesome time we had together at CCDA Indy 2005. The folks from TechMission(.org) are absolutely my kind of people... tech-capable, well-networked, driven Christians who care about the inner-city and the digital divide that exists there. Need help? Call 'em. Check 'em out at, and be sure to sign up for their egroup, where we all share ideas from Christian community computing centers in cities across the country.